
Sabine has obtained the 1st level of higher education at the Riga Stradins University study program “Health sports specialist – fitness trainer”. Sabine has been doing physical activities since childhood and it has become a part of her life. Physical activity helps to eliminate everyday thoughts, stress and feel good about your body. Sabine pays a lot of attention to a person’s emotional and physical state, because she believes that if the emotional state is not good, then the human body will not be able to progress to the desired outcome. The training process with Sabine will be demanding and motivating, as she will take the client’s goals very seriously. It’s never too late to develop yourself, in fact, it’s the most important thing in life and fighting for what brings you pleasure is unfathomable.

Private training 1h 40.00
Small group personal training 63.00
7 x Personal training 233.00
7 x Personal training and Nutrition advice 233.00
Personal training with friend 52.00
7 x Personal training with friend 306.00
3 x Personal training 105.00
3X Privātais treniņš ar draugu 138.00

"Results happen over time, not overnight - work hard and be patient! "


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