
Let’s find out how many kilometres members of MyFitness clubs can collect in one month!

Do you like jogging, cycling, skating, Nordic walking or swimming? Engage in your favourite sport at or outside MyFitness clubs, and afterwards share the following information on your Instagram profile:

  • post a photo depicting your chosen sport;
  • in the caption, include the covered distance and the hashtag #MyFitnesskmLV to participate in the draw for the main prize, a Polar M200 pulsometer.

Campaign rules:

  • All active lifestyle enthusiasts are welcome to participate in the campaign. To register your distance, post a photo of the respective activity on your Instagram profile at the end of your workout. In the caption, include the covered distance and the hashtag #MyFitnesskmLV.
  • The Instagram post has to be public until the end of the campaign: 12.11.2018 (including).
  • Authors of the three most original workout photos will receive surprise prizes. All campaign participants will participate in the draw for the main prize, a Polar M200 pulsometer.
  • Only five photos from your profile will participate in the draw for the main prize, but they will all be counted towards the total amount of kilometres.

Let’s work out all the way around the world!

Campaign period: 15.10.2018–15.11.2018


  • @natasatimofey – Polar watch
  • @gitamuceniece – surprise from MyFitness
  • @ingaj_va – surprise from MyFitness
  • @ahrefsrc – surprise from MyFitness


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