
There are different ways to train at the gym!


  • without equipment, mostly using your own body weight
  • with free weights
  • using weight lifting machines
  • Free weightshelp you to perform effective basic exercise.
  • Weight lifting machineshelp you add the load to your workout and to concentrate on the      training of specific body regions.
  • Body weightworkout is very functional – every exercise includes many different muscles        thus helping to achieve your goals more efficiently.

You have to keep in mind two basic principles of the strength workout – sets (series) and reps(repetitions).
A set is the number of cycles of reps completed.  A rep is one time you perform a specific exercise, which means one lift of the weight/load used.

You can divide the goals of the strength workout by the number of reps performed:

  • 1-5 reps in the set: increasing muscle strength
  • 6-12 reps in the set: building muscles
  • 12-15 reps in the set: increasing muscle tone, somewhat adding muscle mass, strength and endurance
  • 15 and more reps in the set: mostly endurance, growing muscle tone

Positive sides of the strength workout:

  • increases your strength and endurance
  • strengthens skeletal frame and helps to fight osteoporosis
  • forms the body and improves posture
  • improves body awareness   accelerates metabolic rate or prevents its slowing down.

Gym workout check list!

  • Always start your workout with a warm up – warm up decreases the risk of injury and improves your performance. You need to choose the optimal load for the warm up.
  • Get enough rest– resting period after one gym workout is at least 48 hours; it might be even longer depending on the size of the weight load.
  • Train in moderation– it’s not quantity, it’s the quality that counts. One workout session can take max 90 minutes. Also, you must systematically think your session through before       starting the workout.
  • Stretch your muscles and help them to recover– post-workout stretching exercises are important; they help to decrease the next day’s muscle tension and prevent injuries. In            addition relaxation activities such as swimming and or walking, sauna, various hydrotherapeutic procedures, massage and definitely enough sleep.

For the best results we recommend instruction from a Personal Trainer.


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