
Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful periods in the life of every woman, but it should not serve as a reason to stop physical activities; just the opposite, being active during pregnancy is even advisable, especially when it has been done previously and there are no obstacles for continuing physical activities.  Exercising will help new moms to maintain good fitness and regain it faster after the childbirth, will reduce or eliminate back pain (which is particularly observed in the second and third trimester), preserve and improve muscular tonus (which helps during childbirth), improve blood circulation (consequently, the baby will be better supplied with oxygen), reduce swelling of legs, improve quality of sleep, facilitate taking correct baby sleeping position, and improve mood and wellbeing. During the training, each mom works at intensity suitable for her, and the main attention is paid to improvement of general fitness, putting accent on strengthening of lower back and Kegel exercises.

❗️Starting exercising for new moms, who have not engaged in physical activities before, is advised only starting from the 12th week of pregnancy.

❗️Of course, before engaging in physical activities during pregnancy, consulting a doctor is obligatory and, if there are no problems or difficulties and the doctor has given acceptance, physical activities can be continued or started.



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